About me

Hi, I'm Michael Bleterman – a software development enthusiast with a perpetual geek streak since high school. My passion for technology has driven me through a diverse career spanning multiple industries, including Telecommunications,  Video Analytics  and FinTech.

I've had the privilege of wearing many hats in the tech world: Full-stack Developer, Team Lead, Software Architect, and Executive Engineering Manager. Each role has added to my toolkit, giving me a well-rounded perspective on the software development lifecycle.

My approach combines technical expertise with a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of humor. I thrive on tackling complex challenges and am always eager to explore new technologies. Whether I'm deep in code or leading a team, I bring enthusiasm and a problem-solving mindset to every project.

I deeply understand the pain and passion of engineers just to code and confusion and lack of patience of business people towards these "strange creatures". As I'm both of them.

Why this blog?

Ever feel like engineers, product folks, and business types are speaking different languages? You're not alone! My mission is to be the universal translator, bridging the gap between these often-siloed groups. The goal? To help everyone have a blast doing their jobs while still crushing those business objectives.

Think of this blog as a melting pot of industry insights, war stories (both triumphant and face-palm worthy), and honest post-mortems. I'm dishing out the good, the bad, and the "how did we not see that coming?" moments from my adventures in the tech world.

Here, you'll find:

  • Tech talk that won't make your eyes glaze over
  • Business strategies that actually make sense to engineers
  • Product insights that'll make devs go "Aha!"
  • And maybe a meme or two, because who doesn't love a good tech joke?

Whether you're a code wizard, a product guru, or a business maverick, there's something here for you. Let's break down those silos, spark some cross-functional magic, and maybe even have a few laughs along the way.

Get in touch